Sexual consent and the law
In this section you will learn about sexual consent and the law

Learning about sexual consent and the law is an important part of keeping safe.

This page is for people aged 13 years and older.
If you are younger than 13 years old you can talk to a trusted adult about sexual consent and the law.

This page has drawings of:
- private body parts
- people with no clothes on
- sexual touching (with underwear on)
These drawings are there to help you understand.

There are no photos of real people’s private body parts on our website.

It is ok to see these drawings when learning about sexual consent and the law.

If you have any questions or feel upset about anything you read, it is good to speak to an adult you trust.

Move down the page to find out more about sexual consent and the law.
You need to get consent and give consent to have sex

You can only have sex with someone who consents to having sex.
Consenting to sex means both people agreeing or saying yes to having sex.

You need to get consent and give consent for every kind of romantic and sexual touching.

You need consent to touch your partner’s private body parts.

You need consent to have oral sex.

You need consent for penis in vagina sex.

You need consent for anal sex.

Ask your partner if they want to have sex before you start having sex.

Only have sex with your partner if they consent and tell you they want to have sex.

You or your partner can change your mind.
If sex does not feel good for either of you, you can stop anytime. Always tell your partner if something does not feel good or if you change your mind.

You must respect your partner’s choice to say no.

If they do not give consent, do not pressure them to change their mind.
Do not try to have sex with them.

Your partner must get your consent before sex too.
They should ask you if you want to have sex.

You can tell your partner no.
Your partner must not pressure you to change your mind, or try to have sex with you if you do not consent.

A person who is asleep cannot consent to sex.
It is never ok to have sex with someone who is asleep.

A person who is high or has had too much to drink cannot consent to sex.
You should not have sex with someone who is drunk on alcohol or high on drugs.
Learn more about being too drunk to give consent.

Having sex with someone who has not consented is called rape or sexual assault.
It is against the law.

Tell the police or someone you trust if someone tries to have sex with you when you did not consent.

If you are in danger or need urgent medical attention, call 999.

Move down the page to learn about the law.
The law says:

The law says people should be 16 years old, or older, before they have sex.

The law says that people having sex need to know
- what sex is
- the risks of having sex
- how to keep themselves safe

People who are younger than 16 might find it hard to make the decision to have sex, and keep themselves safe.

There are risks to our health when we have sex.
We could get, or pass on, sexual infections.
People who are younger than 16 might not know how to keep safe and healthy.

Pregnancy can happen because of sex.
Being pregnant and being a parent is a big decision.
Being a parent can be very hard work.

It is best to wait until you are 16 or older to have sex.

You do not have to start having sex when you turn 16.
You can choose to wait longer if you like and until you feel ready.
Learn more about feeling ready to have sex.

Taking, sharing or having a naked picture or a video of someone under 18 is against the law, even if they have given consent.

If you are over 18, you always need to get consent to share pictures and videos of naked private body parts.
Some people call these ‘nudes’.

If are you are worried about a nude you have shared or something you have seen online, there are people you can talk to.

You can talk to an adult you trust about what has happened.

Call 0800 1111 or 1-2-1 chat is available online.
For anyone aged 19 and under.

If you are worried about online sexual abuse or the way someone is talking to you online.
CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) can help.
You can report to CEOP Safety Centre.

If you are worried about your own or someone else’s sexual thoughts, feelings or actions, you can find help on Shore’s website.
Shore is a safe online space for teenagers.

Move down the page to learn about law and people who are not allowed to have sex with you.
There are some people who are not allowed to have sex with you

It is against the law for sex to happen between some people.
These laws are to keep you and others safe.

It is against the law to have sex with your family.
This could mean your:
- mum or dad
- brother or sister
- aunt or uncle
- grandparents
- foster carers

It is against the law to have sex with a child. This is anybody aged 12 or younger.
This law is to keep children safe.

If someone who takes care of you as their job tries to have sex with you, they have broken the law.
This could be a:
- support worker or carer
- nurse
- doctor
- therapist

If a teacher or person who works in your school tries to have sex with you, they have broken the law.

If someone who works at any clubs or groups you go to, like sports clubs or youth groups tries to have sex with you, they have broken the law.

Tell a person you trust if any of these people has had sex with you, or tried to have sex with you.

If you are in danger or need urgent medical attention, call 999.

If you need to talk to someone, Childline can help:
- phone 0800 1111
- or chat online with a counsellor

Move down the page to find out more support services.