Sexual arousal and pleasure
In this section you will learn about sexual arousal and pleasure

Learning about sexual arousal and pleasure is an important part of growing up.

This page is for people aged 13 years and older.
If you are younger than 13 years old you can talk to a trusted adult about sexual arousal and pleasure.

There are drawings of
- private body parts
- people with no clothes on
- sexual touching and masturbation
These drawings are there to help you understand.

There are no photos of real people’s private body parts on our website.

It is ok to see these drawings when learning about sexual arousal and pleasure.

If you have any questions or feel upset about anything you read, it is good to speak to an adult you trust.

Move down the page to find out more about sexual arousal and pleasure.
If not you can learn about bodies or what is sex.
What is sexual arousal?

Sexual arousal is when a person’s private body parts feel nice, tingly, and warm.

Sometimes people feel aroused because they have seen something that makes them feel aroused.

Sometimes people feel aroused for no reason at all.

Feeling aroused is a very normal part of our bodies changing as we grow up.

Some people feel like touching their private parts when they are aroused. This is called self touch or masturbation.
Masturbating is touching your private parts in a way that feels good.

Masturbating is a private thing and must be done in a private place.
A private place for masturbating could be your bedroom or bathroom in your house.
Learn more about self touch and masturbation.

It is not okay to masturbate in a public place.
Some examples of public places are a school, a park, a cinema, or public transport.

Masturbating in a public place where someone might see you can make people feel very upset.
It is against the law to masturbate in a public place.

Feeling aroused is normal. It does not always mean you want to masturbate or feel ready to have sex.

Scroll down to learn more about sexual arousal and pleasure.
Pleasure and orgasm

Sexual arousal and pleasure are an important part of sex.

Sometimes sexual arousal and pleasure feel really strong and intense. This can become an orgasm.
An orgasm is really good feeling.

Semen comes out of the penis at orgasm. This is called ejaculation, or cumming.

Sometimes people can have an orgasm while they are asleep.
This is called a wet dream.

The muscles in the vagina squeeze and relax and the person might feel really good.
This is called orgasming or cumming.

People might have an orgasm when they masturbate or when they have sex.
Find out more about masturbation.