How to use internal condoms
In this section you will learn about internal condoms.

This page uses drawings to show you how to use internal condoms.

This page is for people aged 13 years and older.
If you are younger than 13 years old you can talk to a trusted adult about internal condoms.

This page has drawings of:
- a penis
- a vulva (vagina)
- a couple having penis in vagina sex
These drawings are there to help you understand the words.

There are no photos of real people’s private body parts on our website.

It is ok to see these drawings because you are learning about internal condoms.

Move down the page to learn more about internal condoms.
Important things to know before using internal condoms

Check the use by date
Condoms have use by dates, like food and drinks.
Check the use by date on the condom packet.
Never use a condom that is past its use by date.

Condom in before sex
Internal condoms can be put in the vagina up to 8 hours before having sex.

An internal condom has to be put in the vagina before sex happens.
Put the condom in before the penis touches or goes in the vagina.

Penis goes inside the condom
When ready to have sex, the penis goes inside the condom.

Keep the condom in until sex is finished
This might be when the penis has ejaculated (when semen comes out of the penis).
Or it might be when someone decides they want to stop.

Wrap the used internal condom in a tissue and throw it in the bin.

Use a new condom every time
If having sex more than once, use a new condom every time.

Condoms and lube
Lube, or lubricant, is a slippy fluid that can make sex feel even better.
Internal condoms can be used with any kind of lube, but its best to always use water or silicone based lubes.

Condom fallen out?
If the condom falls out, put a new one in.
Never put a used condom back in.

Condom breaks?
If the condom breaks or tears stop!
Take the broken condom out.
Put a new condom in.
Find out what else you should do if the condom breaks or tears.

Move down the page to learn how to put a condom in.
How to put an internal condom in

Take the condom out of the wrapper.
Use your fingers to tear the wrapper open.

Never use your teeth, scissors, or anything sharp to open the condom wrapper. This might tear the condom.

Take the condom out of the wrapper and find the top of the condom.
The top of the condom is where the small, thick ring is. The end is closed.

Make sure the small ring is inside the condom.

Squeeze the small ring at the top of the condom into a point.
Use your thumb and second finger.

Push the squeezed ring into the vagina.

Push the ring as far up into the vagina as you can. All the way to the cervix if you can.
Put your finger inside the condom to push it in.

The big ring around the open end of the condom stays outside the body.
It covers the opening to the vagina.

Keep the condom in until sex is finished.
This might be when the penis has ejaculated (when semen comes out of the penis).
Or it might be when someone decides they want to stop.

Move down the page to find out how to take the condom out.
How to take an internal condom out

How to take an internal condom out when you finish using it.

Take the condom out when sex is finished.

Twist the ring on the outside of the vagina. This will stop the semen spilling out of the condom.

Pull the condom out of the vagina.

Wrap the condom in some tissue.

Put the condom in the bin.

Never flush the condom down the toilet.