
In the section there are drawings of:
- private body parts (in underwear)
- sexual touching (with underwear on)
The drawings are used to help you understand.

There are no photos of real people’s private body parts on our website.

It is ok to see these drawings because you are learning about porn.

If you have any questions or are upset about anything you read, it is good to speak to an adult you trust.

Move down the page to if you want to find out more about porn.

Porn (pornography) is any picture or video of private body parts or sexual touching made for sexual entertainment.

Some adults might watch porn to make them feel sexually aroused.

Porn is made to be watched by adults (18 years old or older.)

You must be 18 or older to watch porn. This is because porn can be confusing or harmful for young people.

Because porn is made for entertainment, it often does not show what real and safe sex looks like.

Sometimes young people see porn by accident, or because they are trying to learn about sex.

It is important to talk to a trusted adult if you have seen porn.

A trusted adult can answer your questions about porn and support you.

It is illegal to send or show porn to someone under 18 years old.

If someone shows you porn when you are under 18, tell a trusted adult like a parent or caregiver.

Learn more about porn (pornography):
Online Pornography and Illegal Content (Easy read)