Pregnancy options
In this section you will learn about pregnancy options

If you have a positive pregnancy test, there are choices you can make about the pregnancy.
You have three options.

1. Continue with the pregnancy and keep the baby. This means becoming a parent.

2. End the pregnancy. This is called an abortion or termination. An abortion ends a pregnancy.

3. Continue with the pregnancy and place the baby for adoption. Adoption is when the baby lives and grows up with another family.

Whatever option you are thinking about, it might not be an easy choice.
It can be an emotional time.
Speaking about it with experienced healthcare staff, who can give you correct, confidential information, can help.

You can speak to your GP or a health professional from a sexual health clinic.

It is a also a good idea to have a trusted adult you can speak to and get support if you need it.
This could be your
- parents or carer
- a teacher
- a support worker

Scroll down to learn more about these 3 options.
Continue the pregnancy

You might be happy to be pregnant and decide to continue with the pregnancy. This means you would and keep the baby and become a parent.

There are different ways of being looked after during pregnancy. This is sometimes called antenatal or pre-natal care.

Getting healthcare during your pregnancy is very important to keep you and your baby healthy.

Healthcare workers can answer questions you have about your pregnancy and your baby. These workers are usually your GP and a Midwife (a nurse that works with pregnant people).

You will have a say in how you and your baby are cared for.

For a healthy pregnancy, get in touch with your Midwife or call the NHS Lothian Maternity Booking Service as soon as you can.
The number to call is: 0131 536 2009.

You can find more information about pregnancy and parenthood from:
Ready Steady Baby! (Easy read)
Are you ready for pregnancy? (Easy read)
A Guide to Pregnancy (Easy read)
Or speak to someone at a sexual health clinic for confidential information.

Abortion is when someone chooses to end a pregnancy. It is sometimes called a termination.

People choose to end a pregnancy for different reasons, some examples are:

Some people choose to end a pregnancy because they do not want to be pregnant or give birth.

Some people choose to end a pregnancy because they do not feel ready to be a parent.

Some people choose to end a pregnancy because they feel like they are not in the right situation to look after a baby.

Some people choose to end a pregnancy because of medical reasons.

Deciding to have an abortion might not be an easy choice to make.
It can be an emotional time.

Whatever the reason why a person chooses to end a pregnancy (have an abortion), it is their choice and right.

Speaking about it with experienced healthcare staff can help.
They can give you information, advice, and support to help with your decision.

NHS Lothian offer free and confidential abortion services through the Choices service.
These services are free and confidential.
You can find out more on our abortion services page.

You could decide to carry on with the pregnancy and place the baby for adoption after they are born.

If you decide that adoption is right for you and your baby, a social worker will spend some time with you while you are pregnant to help you with your decision.

You can change your mind up until the adoption is finalised after the baby is born.
Some people feel differently once the child is born and decide they are ready to become a parent.

For more information you should talk to your midwife or doctor. They will put you in touch with a social worker.

Visit Childline for more information about adoption.