The hormonal and copper coil (IUS and IUD)
The hormonal coil (IUS) and the copper coil (IUD) are a type of contraception that can last for years and it is very good at stopping pregnancy (or stopping somone from having a baby).
The Coil (IUS and IUD)

The coil is a small, T shaped device, that is put inside the uterus to stop you getting pregnant or having a baby.

There are different types of the coil that work differently.

Depending on the type of coil you get, it can stop you getting pregnant for;
- 3 years
- 5 years
- 8 years, or
- 10 years

A doctor or nurse are the best people to help you decide which one is right for you.

The coil is is put inside your uterus by a doctor or nurse.
This is usually done in a sexual health clinic.

Some people feel a bit uncomfortable or sore while the coil is being put in. Some people do not feel sore at all.

If you are worried about feeling uncomfortable or sore, talk to your doctor or nurse before you get a coil put in.

It is a good idea to bring a support person with you when you get the coil. This could be a trusted family member, support worker, or friend.

A support person can help you get home after your appointment or sit with you during your appointment if you want them to.

Some people get the coil to help with health problems like painful or heavy periods.
Not everyone using the coil is having sex.

To learn more about getting the coil and what to expect afterwards read:

You can get a coil from a sexual health clinic, and from some GPs (doctors).