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Supporting young people's sexual health

Get PrEP

What is PrEP?

PrEP is a medicine to prevent HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection. HIV damages the cells in the immune system and weakens the ability to fight everyday infections.

People who do not have HIV, sometimes called HIV negative, take it before having sex to stop them getting HIV.

PrEP is one way to lower the risk of HIV. Another way to lower the risk is to use condoms.

PrEP protects you from HIV, but it does not protect you from other BBVs (Blood Borne Virus) like Hepatitis, or STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections). Use condoms if you want to protect yourself from other BBVs and STIs.


How to access PrEP?

PrEP is available free of charge to people at the highest risk of HIV in Scotland.


You need to be 16 or older

If  you are not sure if PrEP is available for you, talk to a doctor or nurse at:

ROAM offer support, vaccinations, and testing for men who have sex with men (aged 16+).

These services are free and confidential. Staff are there to listen and work with you to give you the best support.

All identities welcome here.


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