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Supporting young people's sexual health

News archive

The Chat national survey for parents and carers

The childhood and teenage years are important in how we support our children to become the kind of young adults we want them to be. When it comes to learning about relationships, their bodies, or issues like consent or sexual health, what do you want your child to know or understand or be able to do?

The survey is open from May 1st to May 31st.
You can complete it here: https://thechat.scot/

A selection of images formatted for social media channels and for use in promoting the survey, can be accessed here: theChat survey promotion

Image of father and child reading

Voices Unheard: LGBTQ+ young people’s experiences of domestic abuse

The report highlights that LGBTQ+ young people in Scotland experience high rates of domestic abuse, both within their own relationships and within their families, but face multiple barriers to accessing support or reporting abuse to Police.

It also sets out key recommendations, developed in collaboration with LGBTQ+ young people.

You can download a copy of the report here.

Image of the report cover page

RSHP Evidence Report

This document published in July 2023 explores the health and wellbeing effects of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) education.

Visit the links for more information:

Main report
Best practice
Information for parents and carers
Sources referenced

Healthy Respect website launch

We are proud to announce the launch of our new website – a space where all young people aged 13-18 can access high-quality sexual health and relationships information.

Our website has been redesigned in consultation with young people, for young people. We also didn’t forget about those working with children and young people and we created a dedicated professionals’ area.

Read more here.

Someone to talk to and Someone to listen

Young persons leaflet, about how their school or college will support them to make decisions about thier edcuation during pregnancy or parenthood.

Download the leaflet here.

Practitioners guidance can be downloaded here.

image of pregancy leaflet for young people

Professionals Login