Resources to support sexual health and wellbeing, education and learning.
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My and my body (My Life My Choice)
An easy read booklet about male and female private body parts and reproductive systems. Co-created by My Life My Choice and young people with learning disabilities.
The body (Planet Puberty)
Comprehensive coverage of all things bodies and growing up aimed at helping young people with additional needs to understand their body
Boys puberty poster
Poster by Able2Learn showing the different stages of puberty for boys and people with a penis
What is puberty (boys version)
A social story describing puberty for boys and people with a penis by Able2Learn. Uses boardmaker symbols.
What is puberty (girls version)
A 15 page booklet explaining puberty for girls and people with a vulva from Able2Learn. Uses boardmaker symbols.
Puberty poster – girls
Posters showing the stages of puberty for girls and people with a vulva
Girls puberty flashcards
Flashcards showing the stages of puberty for girls and people with a vulva
Boys puberty flashcards
Flashcards showing puberty for boys and people with a penis by Able2Learn
Body parts flashcards (no definitions)
Body part flashcards by Able2learn
Sex Ed Rescue anatomically correct paper dolls
free printable paper dolls with clothes that can be cut out and layered to help explain body parts, particularly private body parts
Guide for healthcare professionals (Brook and Mencap)
Guidance for healthcare professionals on how to support people with additional needs to have a good experience of sexual healthcare.
HPV easy read information by the Eve Appeal
HPV easy read information
Transgender – an easy read guide
Change description: This easy read guide is about what it means to be transgender and the issues you or someone you know may experience.
Online Pornography and illegal content – an easy read guide
An easy read guide to pornography. Change description: This easy read guide is about online pornography and illegal content, and the issues you or someone you know may experience when looking at pornography online.
Keeping Safe Online (
easy read information about keeping safe online
Outspoken wellbeing activity booklet (
activity booklet containing wellbeing activities designed by LGBTQI+ people with learning disabilities or autistic people
Outspoken identity booklet (
easy read booklet
LGBTQ+ An easy read guide
Easy read guide
Underage sexual activity guidance Edinburgh and Lothians 2024
This guidance is to support practitioners to be confident and competent in responding to underage sexual activity (on and off-line).
Resources to support young people with additional needs to understand periods.
Resources to support young people with additional needs to understand puberty.
Sexual health services promotion – digital pack
Promotion of young people's sexual health services in Lothian
Lothian SH Services info for RSHP – Copy for CORE training September
Easy to Understand (ETU) promotion
This communications toolkit contains information to help you promote the ‘Easy to Understand’ (ETU) part of the Healthy Respect website. It includes key messages, suggested social media posts, text for newsletters, and downloadable graphics.
About us
Young people’s sexual health – infographic
What is going on for young people and their sexual health?
Infographic (2024)
Child protection 2021- updated 2023
National guidance for child protection in Scotland 2021 - updated 2023
Guidance on the Delivery of Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) Education in Scottish Schools
This guidance applies to everyone delivering RSHP education to children and young people in Scotland.
Published: August 2023
Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy
This is the first Scottish Strategy focused on pregnancy and parenthood amongst young people.
Published: March 2016
RSHP Evidence Report (2023)
This document explores the health and wellbeing effects of relationships, sexual health and parenthood (RSHP) education.
Website promotional materials
We prepared some shareable resources for you to download to help with promotion of our redesigned website. Please share these on social media or send them to your networks.
How to create more accessible content
Summary of some key ways to make your written content more easy to read and understand.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS) on
Useful repsonses to questions asked about resource.
Let’s Talk About Sex
Sexual Health Education Programme Manual for Groups and Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities
Sex and Relationships Education for Young People and Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism
Practical guidance for professionals working with people with co-occurring autism and intellectual disabilities, on how to deliver and adapt sex and relationships education
Principles of good RSE in easy read
Easy read information on the principles of RSHP education by Mencap, in partnership with the Sex Education Forum
RSE for pupils with SEND – short guide
A short guide to providing relationships, sexual health and parenthood education to young people with additional needs by the Sex Education Forum, Image in Action, and Mencap.
“Someone to talk to and Someone to listen”
Young persons leaflet, about how their school or college will support them to make decisions about their education during pregnancy or parenthood.
Consent (for kids)
A small but mighty resource that cleverly explains boundaries and consent.
Healthy relationships
NSPCC - Promoting healthy relationships from early years to 18
Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) resource is open to all. A suite of age and stage appropriate learning activities from 3-18 years.
‘A lot of it is actually just abuse’, young people and pornography
The Children’s Comissioner, findings from a national survey for young people aged 16-21, exploring their exposure to pornography online.
Key messages for young people on healthy relationships and consent
A resource for professionals working with young people
“Someone to talk to and Someone to listen”
Practitioners guidance on supporting young pregnant women and young parents in school.
LGBT education
A one stop platform for teachers to support the implementation of LGBT Inclusive Education.
You being you: Your gender and sexuality
A video explaining gender and sexuality from MENCAP
Supporting young people with SEND
Gender based violence
Gender Based Violence campaign
Awkward moments
A sexual health campaign to help improve conversations around consent.
Language activity plans on the body
Why does RSHP education matter?
A great video and responses on about the benefits of RSHP education
Body parts flashcards
Free to download body parts flashcards from
RSHP parental leaflet for primary
Information for parers and carers on benefits of RSHP in Primary
All identities welcome poster
All identities welcome poster to display within settings. This is part of top tips package
Top tips for trans inclusion in youth workspaces
Practical advice to help make your setting inclusive.
If you cannot find what you are looking for or would like additional information please get in touch by emailing and someone from the team will be in touch.