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Supporting young people's sexual health

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP) resource

image of relationship, sexual health and parenthood logo for rshp.scot

The rshp.scot resource provides a comprehensive set of learning activities for use in early learning settings, primary and secondary schools, ASN settings, colleges and in community-based learning.

It is structured in line with Curriculum for Excellence Levels.

Children and young people do not just learn in formal settings, they also learn at home and so the RSHP resource makes that connection by recognising the role of parents and carers as the child’s first and lifelong educator.

Many of the learning activities provided in the resource have information that can be shared with home, there are also book lists to be shared, and information leaflets that educators can use to communicate about RSHP learning at different Levels.

The resource can be used to support the delivery of rshp lessons in mainstream and specialist settings and in non-denominational and denominational schools.